‘Iconic Grotius Towers in the Hague reaches top-out milestone on October 8th 2021’
Project Information:
Project: Grotius residential towers (61,800m2)
Client: Provast
Main Contractor: Bouwcombinatie Grotius V.O.F ( J.P. van Eesteren & BESIX)
Scope of ICDS work: Formwork and concrete plus logistic assistance on two residential towers - 100m and 120m high on a premium location adjacent to the Hague central station.
Duration: 30 months
No. of Personnel: Up to 50 construction workers
Project type: Building – concrete frame
Project Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
Photo credits: Rob Lipsius (photo 1, 3 & 4) and Steven Scholten (photo 2)